Shapwick News Autumn 2022

responded to a Sedgemoor consultation on “Open Spaces”, an important matter for Shapwick as the area behind the Village Hall is protected by Policy D32 "open areas protected from development", as are the Cricket Club and Playing Field. See the full response in the July PC Minutes at: decided at the July meeting to install an additional “dog poo” bin on a trial basis at the junction of Kent Lane and Bridewell Lane. been involved in other activities including Buses & Footpaths (see pages 4 and 5). August was unexpectedly busy for the Parish Council and many other interested parties in the village once we became aware that an outline planning application for 14 houses in Mill Lane had been submitted to Sedgemoor District Council. Irrespective of one’s personal view, the manner in which so many villagers took part in the debate via in-person comments to the Parish Councillors, on-line to Sedgemoor District Council or by taking part in the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting at the Pavilion and the subsequent decision-making Parish Council meeting, was informed, courteous and respectful to everyone involved. At the PC meeting on 1 September a proposal to object to the planning application was passed unanimously. To read the detail of this decision please use this link to the Sedgemoor planning portal for application 43-22-00005: : Since the publication of the last Shapwick News Parish councillors have: The community café is becoming more and more popular. We usually have between twenty and twenty five people attend. We would love to see more. We sit around a table and talk about anything that comes to mind, although we do stop chatting long enough to drink tea/coffee and eat delicious cakes made by our very own cake-making volunteers. You really need to come and try these delicious cakes; the tea and coffee isn’t bad either. We don’t have a price list as we only ask for a voluntary donation. Next community cafés will be held at Village Hall between 2-4 pm on Wednesday 26th October Cricket pavilion between 2-4 pm on Wednesday 30th November Church between 2-4 pm on Saturday 17th December Hope to see some new faces at the next community café. Remember everyone is welcome! In this issue: A U T U M N I S S U E , O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 Queen Elizabeth II Parish Council Update Community Cafe The New Defibrillator Community Group From the Horse's Mouth Reflecting on the Queen Vernacular Buildings Dora's Poetry Corner Ash Dieback Shapwick: Potted History Footpaths Litterpick! Cricket Club News Buses Shapwick Starlets WI Shapwick Runners Ashcott Football Club Do You Know Shapwick? Flash Halloween! Chilli Jam! What's On B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y T H E S H A P W I C K C O M M U N I T Y G R O U P Shapwick Parish Council GR AHAM CROUCHE R CHA I R OF SHA PW I CK PC AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2 Shapwick Community Cafe WEND Y ANDE R SON 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 Call for Volunteers & Contributions

Internet speed survey: Thanks to Steve McCauliffe, we have now launched a simple six question survey with easy to use dropdown lists. All data will be treated in strict confidence and only published in aggregate form. The data will be deleted when the survey has been completed. We hope that you will assist by taking part in this project. The link will be published on Facebook or you can type the following into a browser: Community Land Trust / Affordable Housing: members of the Shapwick Community Group met with Alison from the organisation Middlemarch: Community Led Homes, who explained how Community Land Trusts work in the building of affordable homes within rural communities. The members will report back to the Shapwick Community Group steering committee. 2 AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2 The device and its cabinet are monitored and maintained by the Pavilion management. It contains a small heater to keep the device protected from the elements and a light sensor to make sure you can find it in the dark evenings. Please do go and look at the HeartSafe Cabinet to familiarise yourself - it’s a life saving device. Shapwick Defibrillator T IM CANN Did you know you have a community defibrillator accessed from Northbrook Road and attached to the northern end of the Pavilion? The defibrillator is part donated in memory of Gerry Walker by his wife Jane, with support from Shapwick Parish Council, Shapwick and Polden Cricket Club and the Shapwick Runners. In an emergency a 999 call must be made and the controller will authorise access to the device when they have assessed the situation. The HeartSafe Cabinet in which the defibrillator is housed has a What3Words location reference ‘numeral.energetic.easygoing’ printed on it. The emergency services need the What3Words to help identify your location and provide you with the 4-digit code to open the cabinet. When the start button is pressed, the defibrillator provides comprehensive and clear audio instructions on how to attach monitors and pads for electronic pulses from its strong battery and it advises on whether your actions to compress the chest are deep and effective enough to achieve resuscitation. Shapwick Community Group GR AHAM CROUCHE R Village Welcome Document: We have begun delivering copies of this to our new Shapwick neighbours as they move in. We hope that they have found it a source of useful information. As always “help is required”: if you are aware of new Shapwick residents please do let the Parish Council know either by a Facebook Private Message or email We will then arrange delivery. If you are already a resident you can access an online copy via, or on the front page of the Parish website. “I wish Shapwick had……….” Just a reminder of this easy way to give your opinion or make a suggestion in confidence: either complete the Shaping Shapwick form at, or post your wish in the black post box at the entrance to the Village Hall. Your “Wishes” have guided the activities of the Shapwick Community Group. From the Horse's Mouth T R A C E Y LOCK Y E R So it's the time of year the rams go in with the ewes for tupping time. The ewes have a 17 day cycle and the rams are left in with the ewes for 34 days. Each ram has a harness with a crayon attached to it, so when the ram covers the ewe the crayon mark can be seen. This is how we know the ewe has gone to ram. 152 days is the length of time before the ewe gives birth. So watch out in the spring for lambs! The ewes can lose their lambs if they are stressed during pregnancy, for example if they get worried by dogs. Dogs do not have to chase them but just be in their presence for this to happen. So: Please keep dogs on leads around all livestock or better still avoid taking the dog near livestock altogether.

Dora's Poetry Corner Some residents might remember seeing an 1885 century map on Shapwick Residents' Facebook page earlier this year. Several people expressed interest in the book in which it was included. It is out of print but I am arranging a reprint. The first 50 copies are already spoken for, but if you are interested in obtaining a copy of this informative and fascinating document, please contact Anthea Beale as soon as possible to make an additional order. The book costs £9.00 per copy. This is a non profit making venture. What is included in the 107 pages? Maps through the centuries, floor plans of early houses and cottages, names of homeowners since 1660, details of the two manor houses and the land and domiciles associated with them, plans and details of the ‘back in the day’ 17 farms within the village and the parish boundary, historical facts and much, much more. Contact Anthea Beale, or 01458 210524, for more information or to place an order. We’ve had an extraordinary few weeks. We should have expected that, at 96, the Queen didn’t have much longer left – but it was still a shock for most of us, especially as she had been inducting a new Prime Minister only two days previously. Right to the end, she was utterly devoted to her role of serving our nation as Queen – and as a nation we recognised that devotion. What underpinned her dedication was her real, deep faith in Christianity. She spoke about this consistently in her Christmas messages - although you wouldn’t have thought so from some of the newspaper coverage! As she said in her 2020 Christmas broadcast: "The teachings of Christ have served as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can find in coming together to worship." As a nation we should be deeply grateful that she saw her role as monarch as one of dedicated service, following the Servant King. The greatest ruler we can follow is the Servant King himself, Jesus. As the son of God, he could have used his position for his own power – but this was not in the character of God. Instead, as we read in the gospels, “the son of man [as he called himself] did not come to be served, but to serve”. He showed this in his teaching, his healing the sick, in the way that he often took the side of the powerless, and in his dying on the cross. His rising from the dead shows how God’s power is very different to human power. Rich can be contacted on and on 210260. The Vernacular Buildings of Shapwick 3 AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2 'POLDEN STONE ' BY DORA WATKINS Stone backbone of the Polden Hills Once quarried for local housing. Blue lias stone, attractive stone, Makes for strong, solid, well-built homes. Thick, thick walls. Wide, wide window seats. Rooms summer cool, winter warm. Homes that will stand for centuries, Buttresses against winter gales, Impervious to rain and snow. Sentinels, icons of the Polden landscape. Blue lias stone, our local stone. Need small stones for draining your pots. Dig on your garden you’ll find lots, Dig deeper may hit solid stone. Our own Polden blue lias stone, Keeping the Poldens high and dry From the soggy Levels nearby. RICH TWEEDY Reflecting on the Queen's Death Image Credit: Press Association ANTHEA BEALE Ash Dieback LESLEY GASKELL Ash dieback is a fungal disease which particularly affects UK native ash trees. The disease is transmitted by airborne spores. Once infected the fungus spreads through the tree and blocks the water transport system, typically causing diamond shaped lesions and leaf loss. An infected tree can lose limbs or in some cases topple completely. The matter has been raised with the Parish Council who are seeking assistance from Somerset County Council. The County Council have a helpful guide on this issue, which reminds landowners that they have responsibility to the public under the Occupier’s Liability Acts 1957 & 1984. If you are a landowner and there are ash trees on your property, particularly where these trees are near roads or footpaths, you are urged to monitor the health of these trees and take appropriate action in the case of infection. Further information can be found on the Somerset County Council website: Adjacent ash trees with varying degrees of dieback

Shapwick - a potted history The Community Group discussed the joining up of footpaths from Shapwick Hill down into the village. It was agreed that before we approach the landowners to discuss a permissive pathway along the edge of their fields, the village needs to demonstrate a commitment to resolving the problem of dog mess left on their land currently. Dog mess can cause issues for cattle, therefore we must take and be seen to be taking responsibility as dog owners to clean it up. To make this more convenient and to show willing to the landowners, the Parish Council will look to get a dog bin placed at the High Lane end of the village, as well as placing ‘Please clean up after your dog’ signage at the start of the footpaths that are already in place. This will let all users of the footpaths know that they must clean up after their dogs. As we know, we have many walkers come through our village so we cannot place all responsibility on to our villagers. The community group also felt the clearing of overgrown footpaths is something the villagers will have to instigate ourselves. We cannot leave this to landowners to maintain. Steve and Graham from the Parish Council led the way, clearing the path from the back of the church to Bridewell Lane last month. Therefore, as well as the October litter pick (see below), we plan a footpath clearing party for spring next year, to help make paths more accessible during the summer. The Parish council will organise refreshments as an incentive for participants and their families in the working parties. Finally, Richard Tweedy is actively considering whether the village should apply for the ‘Walkers are Welcome’ status. He feels this could benefit the village, given the current initiative to maintain our local paths, combined with the pilgrimage theme that is part of the surrounding area. However there are questions around the required level of governance required which need to be resolved first. Richard will keep us updated on this large scale project for the village. FRANK BARNARD Shapwick has an international reputation as one of the few English settlements to retain its original layout, a ‘ladder’ plan that contained its dwellings and small farms in a north-south rectangle dating back over a thousand years. The village was the subject of a major study by the University of Bristol into its archaeological, historical and topographical heritage between 1988-1998. The ten-year Shapwick Project led by Professor Mick Aston of Time Team fame confirmed that the present settlement and its medieval field system was planned in the late Saxon period although the site was occupied from still earlier times. There was much activity during the Iron Age and the Romano-British period and the team identified locations of numbers of Roman farms and villas, predicting that more remain to be uncovered. Over the following centuries Shapwick gradually evolved yet always retained its original imprint on the surrounding landscape. It was this that led to it being chosen by Bristol University for the Project because as a rare survivor it fulfilled a number of criteria; it was well documented as part of the Glastonbury Abbey estate from at least late Saxon times to the Dissolution, maps of the parish from the eighteenth century existed in the Somerset County Record Office and it had been the subject of previous intensive research by the Somerset Levels Project in 1988. Much of Shapwick’s history is known, still more remains to be discovered. Meanwhile, alone among its neighbouring parishes, it has retained its topographical integrity within its established boundaries, a subject of interest and concern not only in Somerset and Britain as a whole but on a global basis. For those who would like to know more some copies of The Shapwick Project are held by longer-term residents who would no doubt be ready to share a fascinating and remarkable document to help today’s villagers learn more about their rich heritage. Shapwick as a "ladder" village, from a 19th century map in The Vernacular Buildings of Shapwick (see p.3). The village essentially retains this ladder pattern today. Footpaths NIKKI POLDEN L I TTERP I CK ! SUNDAY 3 0 OCTOBER L I TTERP I CK ! ! The next Shapwick Litterpick will be on Sunday 30 October, 10-12. Meet at the corner of Northbrook Road and Orchard way. A fun way to get to know the vllage, meet old and new friends, and be part of keeping the village special. Families very welcome. Tasty refreshments at the Pavilion when you've finished! L I TTERP I CK ! SUNDAY 3 0 OCTOBER L I TTERP I CK ! ! 4 AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2

5 AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2 throughout the day until about 5.00 p.m. These times vary according to college days & holidays but timetables are available from the Parish Council. Meanwhile some passengers have complained that the cancellation of a 5.30 p.m departure from Street has posed problems for students, workers and shoppers. First Bus say current use makes it unviable but will review if the need can be proved. In addition the No.19 service provided by moovit (sic) for Somerset County Council departs from Shapwick at 7.58 a.m five days a week stopping at numbers of villages before culminating at Bridgwater at 8.40 a.m. The return journey starts at Bridgwater Bus Station at 16.45 p.m and reaches Shapwick at 17.22 p.m. Women's Cricket: The team entered the women's softball league in 2022 in division 3 with 9 other clubs. They finished 3rd in the table. A brilliant result for our first season. With a current squad of 13 active members in the ladies section, the team is looking to recruit more players. Everyone of any age (from 14 upwards) and any level of experience or ability is welcome. The aim is to have strong numbers in the ladies section to help it move forward and thrive in the future. Everyone has worked really hard to improve our game and become a very strong team, as well as having much fun and all becoming really good friends. The team is hoping to join a winter league to keep the spirit going, get some practice during the winter months and maintain the social side. Sadly we are losing Chloe Small next season but we wish her and her partner Jacques Luckins all the best on their travels! Shapwick & Polden Cricket Club - the 2022 season AL I STAIR BARR, PETE ROSS , EMMA SI LCOX Seniors: After a challenging season the 1st XI retained their place in Premier Division 2 in the West of England Premier League finishing mid-table with 9 wins and 9 losses. Calum Haggett was top scorer with 419 league runs and James Hayman took the most wickets with 25. The 2nd XI were promoted to the Somerset League Premier Division after finishing second with 11 wins out of 18 matches. Ben Trotman scored 463 runs and Jack Western was the most successful bowler with 22 wickets. The 3rd XI finished in third place in the Division 6 North & West which represents a great performance with lots of youngsters introduced to adult cricket over the season. Jarrad Cave finished as the highest scoring batsman in the league with a massive 650 runs and Russ Edwards led the bowling attack with 18 wickets. Now it's even better by bus... FRANK BARNARD With travel costs soaring the case for catching a bus makes sense. Even more so now because First Bus who provide the No.75 service have slashed fares thanks to government funding secured by the West of England Combined Authority and North Somerset County Council. The changes include: • Reduced £2 single & £3.50 returns for adults in Bath & Bristol • Reduced return & day tickets for travel across the West • £1 singles for under 15s for any journey across the West • Single trips in the West of England capped at £3.70 The 75 route operates in both directions Mondays to Saturdays between Bridgwater and Glastonbury calling at the village bus shelter opposite the Church from about 8.00 a.m and at intervals Another successful and busy season ended with the Martin Baker memorial match played in great spirit on Sunday 4th September between Team Wanliss and Team Gray - the result being a win for Team Gray. It is planned to repeat the fixture annually in Martin’s memory. Many former players returned to the club to take part, a fitting tribute to Martin and his many years of hard work on behalf of the club. Juniors: The juniors (age 4 to under 16) had a very successful year in a number of ways: There were around 120 regular attendees for training & matches - Almost 50 under-8s took part in the Allstars programme - Around 20 girls aged 8-13 took part in the Dynamos programme - All the age groups - U10, U12, U14 and U16 - took part in league games organised through Mid Wessex league with varying results, and every team got through to the cup quarter finals - The U16s reached the Somerset Smash Finals Day in Weston Super Mare - The juniors represented the Shapwick and Polden Club at numerous U9/ U11 and Girls tournaments with 5 teams attending a large tournament at the County Ground in Taunton - Many U16 and some U14 have started playing games for the senior teams - 5 additional coaches became qualified ready for the 2022 season - A plan is in place to have 4 more coaches qualify this winter 2022/23.

Looking forward, we are already planning a Christmas Fayre as it was so successful last year, we are honing our skittling skills (well, thinking about it) ready for the County tournament and are delighted to announce that two of our members, Amanda and Jude, will be speaking at the Annual County Meeting in October. We meet the second Tuesday of each month, and if you would like more details on our meetings, book club, film club or walking group, head over to the Shapwick Starlets WI Facebook page. It has been a hot dry summer and as we don't usually meet in August, we decided to have some August Adventures instead. No 1 Outing was a factory visit to Owen Barry in Street, where they make beautifully crafted leather, suede and cowhide handbags, lifestyle products and accessories. The girls had a lovely time and many thanks to Cindi our host. No 2 Outing was a lovely stroll admiring the stunning views at Hestercombe Gardens near Taunton, followed by tea and cake of course. No 3 Outing was another factory visit, this time to Drapers in Glastonbury. Our host Nick showed us all the various leathers and the process of making footwear using the various lasts. We Shapwick Starlets WI SUE SELLICK We warmly welcome new joiners. Perhaps you are already a seasoned club runner. Perhaps you are new to the area and keen to meet other runners and explore new routes. Perhaps you are a beginner, looking for some company, tips and motivation. Or perhaps you used to run and are keen to return. Whatever your ability and experience, if you would like to meet fellow runners in the village, why not come along to the post-box by the cricket pitch at 9am on a Sunday and join our regular social 4.6 mile run round the lanes? We also have a whatsapp group for arranging ad hoc runs through the week. For details call Teresa on 07866 751 593 or see Shapwick Runners – Shapwick’s Running Community TERE SA K I NG Shapwick Runners was formed in 2007, the year we organised the first Shapwick Bunny Hop – our annual 7.5 mile trail race at Easter. Although we are EA affiliated, unlike larger, more formal clubs with regular training nights, we operate more as a group of local runners who like a bit of company, and amongst whom firm friendships have been established.Over the years we have supported each other in training for races from 5ks to ultra-marathons, in overcoming injuries, and have together solved many a family or work dilemma. There is nothing like a chat while running in the fresh air in our beautiful countryside to make the world seem a better place. couldn't resist stopping in the factory shop on the way out, a great place for some unique gifts. Totally different for No 4 Outing was a walking tour following the Mural Trail around Glastonbury. We only managed to see the ones off the High Street but well worth a return visit to see the other stunning pieces of artwork. To finish off the bank holiday weekend, a few of our members attended the Secret World Open weekend. The highlight for Pauline and Sheila was meeting Willow the resident barn owl, what a lovely way to end our Adventures. 6 AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2

Flash J ANE L A V I CK Flash was no ordinary moggy. A much loved village celebrity, he had featured in Shapwick News more than once. Known by many as ‘Socks’ because of his brilliantly white feet, he graced village events with his presence, thinking nothing of heading upstairs in the village hall when it was Shapwick WI’s Christmas craft fair, cruising for bacon butties at the Bunny Hop, escorting litter pickers, joining in with yoga or supervising the setting up of the Shapwick Jam! He was a regular visitor to Shapwick School and was once brought home in the arms of three teenage girls after falling asleep on a bed. We lost count of the times we had to wander round AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2 7 How well do you know Shapwick? A. Where's this? B. And this? C. And this? (Answers on p. 8) As a general rule, Shapwick News cannot carry pet obituaries, however dear the pet was to its owners. But we hope you agree Flash's wanderings through village life made him rather special. the village asking people to check in their shed and outbuildings when he failed to return home. Locals will have seen him trotting along with his people and pet dog on walks to Loxley Woods and Ashcott - often in front, with his tail held perfectly straight in the air, like a tour guide leading the way! And he was well known at the Cricket Club – being fussed by junior members during training, casually strolling across the pitch during games, cruising from one spectator’s knee to another or even ambling along the bar to inspect the beers on offer! He was fearless and unique - a lion, a lord amongst cats and Shapwick was quite simply his manor. Just a cat? We know otherwise and we miss him terribly! Ashcott Football Club COL IN MACPHERSON With the season underway we are delighted to see all of our members back enjoying the beautiful game, and finally some rain! We have a very small window to maintain our pitches at Kings Lane and if there is one thing I can guarantee is that whenever we re-seed the pitches we have a long drought! We have secured a 6 year Football Foundation Fund as our facility at the Coronation Playing Fields has been identified by the FA as very significant for football in the local area. We are now in year 2 of this fund and for the second summer we have spread 90 tonnes of sand to top dress the pitches, aerated and reseeded them. The hot summer has held growth back but by the end of September it will be worth a look to see how the pitches are coming on. We are holding free “Mini Kickers” training sessions for 3-5 years old each Saturday morning at Coronation Playing Fields from 9am during the season. This gives young children their first taste of football, with each session focusing on the fun element of sport and teamwork. If you're interested in joining the club or have any further questions, please call me on 07886 210168 or email

Don't forget to turn Shapwick scary for Halloween! Our 3rd annual Halloween competition to dress your garden, house or even just a pumpkin. Please complete your entry which is free by 30th October when judging will take place in the dark by judges with no connection to the village. Prizes will be given out on 31st October. Please take part for fun! Call for Volunteers & Contributions We need volunteers! Like to help edit future issues? Please email: Shapwick News is a quarterly publication. For the winter issue, due to publish in January, please submit contributions by no later than 15th December (or give us warning by then if you want to report on a pre-Christmas event), via email above or post in the black post box next to the Village Hall's main door. Thank you! There is no guarantee that all material submitted will be used - publication is at the Editor's discretion and articles may be amended or condensed. We do not print anonymous contributions but are prepared to include items under a pen name, if so desired, on condition that we are given the name and address of the author(s). Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Editor nor Parish Council. Autumn Edition: Published by Shapwick Parish Council, edited by Moray McGowan. What's On Many thanks to everyone who joined us at this year's Shapwick Jam. You helped raise an amazing £2,000 for the Village Hall and £500 for the DEC Ukraine appeal. Next year's Jam will be a little earlier, on Saturday 13th May - save the date! In the meantime join us for some festive fun at our mini Chilli Jam, 7pm on December 2nd at the Village Hall, with live music, bar and top nosh. Tickets are £5 with limited numbers so please buy in advance from Sid on 07834 671322. See you there! Shapwick Jam? Chilli Jam! TEAM JAM Cricket Pavilion Events Bingo: 14 & 28 October, 11 & 25 November, 9 December Music/open mic: 7 October, 4 November, 2 December Quiz nights: 21 October, 18 November, 16 December These events all start at 8pm. The bar and kitchen are open from 5.30pm. Everyone welcome. To book a table for bingo, please email Litterpick, 30 October, 10am: Meet at Pavilion (see p. 4) Every Sunday: Shapwick Runners' Sunday Run! Meet at the cricket field, set off at 9am. All abilities welcome! How well do you know Shapwick? A. Gate where the track from Vicarage Lane joins Chestnut Lane. B. Path from Bridewell Lane to the Churchyard. C. On the track from Kent Lane to the Nature Reserve Shapwick Starlets Christmas Fayre, 9 December - poster on p 6! Chilli Jam! 2 December, 7pm: See above! Yoga exercise classes on Monday evenings from 7.30-8.45pm, at the Village Hall. Contact: Scary Shapwick 2022! TRACEY LOCKYER Shapwick Community Café Village Hall, 26 October, 2-4 Cricket Pavilion, 30 November, 2-4 Saint Mary's Church, 17 December, 2-4 Village Hall events Harvest Supper, 22 October, 7.30pm, two courses £15 - for tickets call 210185 or 210329 Breakfast Morning, 29 October, 9-11am Quiz & Chips, 11 November: Quiz night with fish and chips: teams of up to six persons, £12 pp. Please call to book teams. Shapwick Starlets WI meet the second Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm in Shapwick Village Hall. Contact us via Shapwick Starlets Facebook page or email Hire out sessions on the table tennis table! £4 for 1/2hr or £7 for 1hr - contact Nerina on 210329 or Bridget on 210185. AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2 8 For Village Hall events contact Nerina, 210329 or Bridget, 210185