Shapwick News Autumn 2022

Looking forward, we are already planning a Christmas Fayre as it was so successful last year, we are honing our skittling skills (well, thinking about it) ready for the County tournament and are delighted to announce that two of our members, Amanda and Jude, will be speaking at the Annual County Meeting in October. We meet the second Tuesday of each month, and if you would like more details on our meetings, book club, film club or walking group, head over to the Shapwick Starlets WI Facebook page. It has been a hot dry summer and as we don't usually meet in August, we decided to have some August Adventures instead. No 1 Outing was a factory visit to Owen Barry in Street, where they make beautifully crafted leather, suede and cowhide handbags, lifestyle products and accessories. The girls had a lovely time and many thanks to Cindi our host. No 2 Outing was a lovely stroll admiring the stunning views at Hestercombe Gardens near Taunton, followed by tea and cake of course. No 3 Outing was another factory visit, this time to Drapers in Glastonbury. Our host Nick showed us all the various leathers and the process of making footwear using the various lasts. We Shapwick Starlets WI SUE SELLICK We warmly welcome new joiners. Perhaps you are already a seasoned club runner. Perhaps you are new to the area and keen to meet other runners and explore new routes. Perhaps you are a beginner, looking for some company, tips and motivation. Or perhaps you used to run and are keen to return. Whatever your ability and experience, if you would like to meet fellow runners in the village, why not come along to the post-box by the cricket pitch at 9am on a Sunday and join our regular social 4.6 mile run round the lanes? We also have a whatsapp group for arranging ad hoc runs through the week. For details call Teresa on 07866 751 593 or see Shapwick Runners – Shapwick’s Running Community TERE SA K I NG Shapwick Runners was formed in 2007, the year we organised the first Shapwick Bunny Hop – our annual 7.5 mile trail race at Easter. Although we are EA affiliated, unlike larger, more formal clubs with regular training nights, we operate more as a group of local runners who like a bit of company, and amongst whom firm friendships have been established.Over the years we have supported each other in training for races from 5ks to ultra-marathons, in overcoming injuries, and have together solved many a family or work dilemma. There is nothing like a chat while running in the fresh air in our beautiful countryside to make the world seem a better place. couldn't resist stopping in the factory shop on the way out, a great place for some unique gifts. Totally different for No 4 Outing was a walking tour following the Mural Trail around Glastonbury. We only managed to see the ones off the High Street but well worth a return visit to see the other stunning pieces of artwork. To finish off the bank holiday weekend, a few of our members attended the Secret World Open weekend. The highlight for Pauline and Sheila was meeting Willow the resident barn owl, what a lovely way to end our Adventures. 6 AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2